How to sell NFTs in Marketplace

To sell an item in the marketplace, Navigate to and click on the [Inventory] button on the first page. This will bring up a list of items stored in your wallet.

  1. Click on [Connect Wallet] and Proceed with Metamask Notification

  2. Select the Metamask Wallet bound to the Ragnarok Landverse game account.

  1. Sign Web3 Token as needed.

  1. Select ROL in Game list Section

  1. After browsing the item you would like sell, click on [Sell Now] to begin listing.

  1. Set the price you would like to list your item for sale.

  1. Check the checkbox to confirm that you have checked the price before proceed listing

  1. Click on [Confirm Listing] to list your item in the Marketplace.

  1. Listed item will be shown on [Listed on Maxion] section in the Marketplace Inventory and your NFT will be listed on marketplace after 5 minutes listing cooldown.

  1. All listed item can be cancelled by clicking the [Cancel Listed] Button.

Last updated