Novice In-Game Guide
New to Ragnarok Landverse? We got you covered!
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New to Ragnarok Landverse? We got you covered!
Last updated
Brand new citizens of Midgard, hello there! This guide is designed specifically to cater to your needs to guide you on where to begin to get you up to speed with the our Landverse Community!
Talk to Shion until this dialogue shows up. If you are new to the game, it is advised to learn the basic interfaces first. Any of the options will still allow you to talk to her again for some EXP.
Shion will then direct you to go past the bridge to the right.
Inside the castle, you will be met by an NPC named, receptionist. The receptionist will ask for your in-game name.
He will then show you some options for you to choose.
For new Ragnarok Online players, it is advised to pick the training grounds introduction, so you will have an idea what you’re about to do.
It is also advised to [Apply for training], so you can get free items and supplies. This will make your adventure in Midgard much smoother.
You can equip an item by opening your inventory by pressing Alt+E (Inventory). Go to the EQP tab, find the item you want to equip, and double click. Pressing Alt+Q (Equipment Window) will show you what your character is wearing.
Once you applied for training, you will receive an item called, ROVerse Manual Book. It will show you the details about your Manual System .
Scrolling down will show other options as well.
Picking the “apply for training ground” will send you into the inner part of the castle, where you will meet the interfaces tutor. Simply talk to him.
Picking yes will have the NPC explain what the UI does. The NPC will then reward you some base EXP and job EXP throughout his dialogue. A tattered novice ninja suit will be given as well.
Talk to him again and pick, “Thank you!”
The interfaces tutor will send you to the skill tutor.Talk to him and pick, “what do you teach?”. He will explain the skill UI(alt+S) to you and will reward you with some base EXP and job EXP throughout his dialogue.After that, walk to the right. Just past the interface tutor, you will see 2 NPCs.
Talk to the item Tutor, the NPC with brown hair, and pick yes to attend her class. She will explain the inventory system of Ragnarok Online. Throughout her dialogue, you will be rewarded with armors, consumables, and some EXP.
To your right, there is a portal that will go to another room, where there are other tutors. These tutors do not give rewards and will only explain stuff to you.
This instructor will explain how the windows/interfaces work.
This instructor will explain how the basic stats (alt+A) work.
This instructor will explain the different types of skills found in the game. He also teaches the use of emoticons.Get out of the room, by going to the portal to the left. Once you’re out of it, walk to the most left side of the room and enter the portal.
In this room, you will find NPCs that are related to combat training. And a potato merchant.
Talk to the Helper NPC (most left) He will explain Ragnarok Online’s combat system and will reward you some EXP. You can also continue asking him for details regarding monsters, experience, and items.
Once you are done with the helper’s class. You can speak to the entrance guard. He will send you to field combat training. Before he sends you away, he will give you some items and consumables.You must gain at least 2 base levels to complete this training.
The trainer is there to provide a little information of where you are.
He can also send you to a different map where there are stronger monsters. Once you are ready to kill some monsters, walk towards the north, or just explore the whole area. You will find weak monsters in this area.
Do a bit of grinding until your job level is 10 and have gained 2 base levels. If grinding feels a bit slow, just talk to the trainer to fight stronger monsters.
Once you hit job 10, you have two options; speaking to trainer NPC, to fight stronger monsters to gain more base levels, or a job change.
Once you reach job 10, you are now eligible for the next course. Speak to the Test Examiner at the most northern part of the map. He will ask you if you want to move on to the next course, pick yes.
In this room, you will find 2 NPCs. Speak to the left NPC first, he will tell you information regarding the 1st jobs.
Once you have decided on which job to take, talk to Hanson, the guy behind the counter. Choose “I’ll take the course”. This will be a series of questions that will determine the right job/class for you. The result of this is not really important. You are free to become what you want.
You will be rewarded with some potions after the series of questions. If you liked the result of this course, you can go with it. There is also an option to pick your own choice.
If you pick your own choice, another dialogue will show up containing all the classes. Just pick the class you like and Hanson will reward you with some Kafra tickets and send you to the job change building of your chosen class.
You will be warped to your class instructor, where you will have to go through a series of tests to prove that you are worthy.
Through gaining base levels you earn status points. You can add them by pressing ALT+A, this will show your status window.Adding status points can be done in 2 ways; manually or via command.
This can be done by clicking the left button icon of the desired stat.
Command syntax:/stat+ amount.
The stats are str, agi, vit, int, dex, and luk.
Using up all of your skill points is required for a job change. To spend your skill points, press ALT+S.
Main Tutors Shion Receptionist Interfaces Tutor Skill Tutor Item Tutor
Other Tutors Instructor Understanding of skill
Important Tips Adding Status Points
Combat Training Helper Entrance Guard Trainer Test Examiner The Next Course Job Change NPC